Potassium sulfate, Zinc sulfate, Manganese sulfate, Copper sulfate, Ferrocyanide sulfate and surface active agent were compounded to obtion effective spraying fertilizer. 并将硫酸钾与锌、锰、铜、铁等微肥与表面活性剂复配,制得高效的叶面肥。
Lad test and field use shows that, in the neutral medium, the admixture of potassium dichromate+ zinc sulfate ( weight ratio: 7: 1) has the best effect on corrosion inhibition of carbon steel material; 通过室内实验筛选和现场试验确认:碳钢材料在中性介质中,以重铬酸钾+硫酸锌(以7∶1的重量比混合)的防腐效果最好;